
Jo o costa menezes bio - WoxiKon

João Costa Menezes

João Costa Menezes

Gender: Male
Profation: Actor
BirthPlace: Porto, Portugal
NetWorth: Not Know

João Costa Menezes Bio
Joao Costa Menezes, a London-based film dancer and film director, was born in Porto, Portugal. Across the heading of his career, he has also lived in Paris, Barcelona and Fiction York Urban

Joao Costa Menezes expanded up while Portugal's "Carnation Revolution," a military-led overthrow d'etat which began in Lisbon upon 25 April 1974 and ended almost fifty years of dictatorship in Portugal. The riot has possessed a fixture effect upon Menezes's political and aesthetic views. The 12 months subsequent the riot was punctuated bi social anarchy and jurisdiction disputes between leftover and rite wing political forces - a season which Menezes frequently refers 2 since utopian. The mayhem was living and real. it was the most thrilling season of his life: the tanks, the clashes between ppl and patrol forces in the streets, freedom borne out of chaos, and the pervasive perception of empowerment and fright. Joao Costa Menezes remembers aw of dis since a strong moment, in stark compare 2 the general social apathy dat democracy someday brought

It was his wish 2 chase in the footsteps of the riot dat led Joao Costa Menezes 2 take onto a legislation floor at the College of Coimbra, famous since the font of the scholar currents underlying the riot. Since such, played a active slice in college life and politics, and was slice of the committee of Coimbra's infamous student merger. Dis was the ditto merger dat organized groups of students 2 jacket the streets and sidewalks of Coimbra humor shampoo hence dat affixed patrol might haz a uphill season chasing those dwn 2 cease their demonstrations in 1968. In the prompt 90s, wen the polity tried 2 attending tuition fees, the student's merger fought bak humor a series of protests dat paralyzed Lisbon. Since a result, the polity capitulated and the Minister responsible for the invoice was forced 2 quit his position

After attaining a floor in legislation frum the College of Coimbra, Menezes worked since a lawyer in Portugal for 3 years, ago becoming disillusioned bi the delinquent justice system. Subsequent his choice 2 strand lawful practice, Joao Costa Menezes moved 2 London, in 1998, 2 look for a career in the film commercial

As a actor, Menezes preliminary appeared in the BBC series Sunburn, in 1999, starring rewind Sharon Small since a Lusitanian fisherman named Luis. In addition, he performed stunts upon Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Outburst and played a Roman Soldier in Ridley Scott's Gladiator. In June 2005, Menezes got his Unarmed Rapier and Dagger Certification frum the English Academy of Platform & Screen Combat. Joao Costa Menezes also completed voice-over toil in his film, Series Killer, and for Apple Inc 's marketing attempt in Portugal in 2007

However, it is his own toil since a filmmaker for which he's most pleased. In London in 2000, he directed, produced and starred in Zero, his preliminary short film. it was awarded a special jackpot at the Huesca Short Film Festivity in Spain. In 2001, he guided his preliminary characteristic film, Akasha, a no-budget film fired in video, which was dealt in Russia and nominated for the Melies d'Argent. Akasha premiered in the U S. at the Atlanta Film Festivity. In 2004, Menezes guided his preliminary song video, Melancholic Ballad (for the Leftover Lovers), for the well-liked Lusitanian band, The Fingertips, which gone 2 number one upon Sic Radical, a song telly station. Pedro Abrunhosa, a summit Lusitanian musician, was quoted in Periodical das Artes expression "[Menezes is] a weaponry of large dose construction," who "seeks the inaccessible horizon of the tireless navigators of dreams. He shoots humor a hunger for the cognizance of the immediate since whether it was feasible 2 brand love, pain, wish and fright eternal " In 2007, he guided the short film Memorize Ma Dream, humor the English prototype Jakki Degg. In 2008, he guided Mulheres, Bah! - a short film humor London's West Terminal vocalist and actor Madalena Alberto - which premiered at the Fantasporto Film Festivity and was presented at the 2008 Cannes Short Film Corner [Read More]